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Techworx LLC has been serving the Erie area since 2010, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

4 Problems with Remote Work That You Need to Address

4 Problems with Remote Work That You Need to Address

Remote work offers numerous benefits for both your employees and your business, provided you can overcome the challenges associated with implementing it. One such challenge is productivity, something which employees might struggle with while working remotely. Here are four ways your average remote employee might be challenged by their remote work in terms of productivity.

No Routine or Structure

Remote workers often struggle with routine and structure, mostly due to the flexibility that remote working comes with. If there is not a clear daily schedule, remote employees might not know how to prioritize tasks, ultimately leading to wasted time and difficulty focusing.


No one likes to feel like they are alone, but this is often the case with remote workers who don’t get the social interaction that comes with a traditional in-office work experience. This is especially true for those who are accustomed to having these interactions. Not having enough social interaction can have negative effects on users’ productivity, and while you could arrange for video meetings to shore up this weakness in the remote work model, nothing beats in-person connection.

Too Many Distractions

There are a lot more distractions in the home office than there are in your traditional office. Chores, for example, are one distraction that doesn’t feel like a distraction. The same can be said for family members or pets. They interrupt productivity, and unless you have a dedicated workspace that is respected by all in your household, you won’t be able to overcome this pitfall.

Poor Communication

Communication is important for remote teams, but it brings with it many challenges. Some common issues are misinterpretations in messaging, delays in response times, and an inability to meet at a moment’s notice. If your business has remote employees, it’s critical that you work to prioritize communication and to be proactive about fostering this mindset within your team. You can use video calls, messaging platforms, and project management to keep your employees connected with each other, and with the right tools and setup, you can ensure that they feel like they can get in touch with one another whenever they need to.

Does your business use remote employees in an effective way? TechWorx LLC can help you make better use of the technology resources at your company’s disposal to better your remote team’s capabilities. To learn more, call us at (814) 806-3228.

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